AVR32 UC3 - FreeRTOS Real Time Kernel Documentation


This is the documentation for the data structures, functions, variables, defines, enums, and typedefs for the FreeRTOS application.


FreeRTOS.orgTM is a portable, open source, mini Real Time Kernel - a free to download and royalty free RTOS that can be used in commercial applications (see license text). This site shows how a complete embedded real time system can be created from a Windows host using quality open source development tools (where available). See the FreeRTOS.org features summary. Highlights include:

Main Files

Compilation Information

This software is written for GNU GCC for AVR32 and for IAR Embedded Workbench for Atmel AVR32. Other compilers may or may not work.

Device Information

All AVR32 devices can be used.

Configuration Information

This example has been tested with the following configuration:

Check the LEDs for all EVKs. The LEDs should blink at different rates.
On the PC terminal, you should also see the following message:

 ../../main.c:176: Starting the FreeRTOS AVR32 UC3 Demo...
The ABCD... sequence should be printed recurently on the terminal, which means the communication through the USART is established and is working.

Contact Information

For further information, visit Atmel AVR32. and FreeRTOS home page.
Support and FAQ: http://support.atmel.no/

Generated on Thu Dec 17 20:01:59 2009 for AVR32 UC3 - FreeRTOS Real Time Kernel by  doxygen 1.5.5